
Monday, November 9, 2009

Dark blue and silver lining

The tears should have dried up by now; the heart should have restored its normal beat at this moment. A complete resolve should have started its way to my edifice of thoughts and emotions. But no, the state of dysphoria is just commencing. The sadness is just as annoying as the repetitive motion of the pendulum. Just when I thought I can go through, brave the days with my mighty spirit and conquer all odds, this feeling... oh this feeling is just as disheartening as my heartbreaks.

All hills and mountains I am compelled to climb are so steep that I can't even enjoy the great terrain down or up there or in between the vast wilderness. Just when I thought I can take a nap for a moment, here comes another trek.

But even so, I know that He's up there, always ready to take me out of the dark. He is always in watch to every step I take. He won't let me slip into that un-sturdy rock and slippery step. I will always see him, always ready to offer me that harness so I wont drop down when I am in the tip of giving up.#

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