
Friday, November 6, 2009

Wealth is for community, friendship

The priest who celebrated the mass this afternoon at UP Chapel gave a pretty good and inspiring homily. He drew his sermon from the Gospel, which was about a parable of Christ. It's a story of a dishonest steward who squandered a portion of his master's riches. Despite his dishonesty, the master commended the steward when he learned that even if the steward wasted his money, he shared it with other people.

The priest said that wealth is not bad since it came from God. However, God's main purpose for giving it is for us to enjoy it with our friends, neighbors, and our community. Wealth is for friendship. God gave us wealth so all of us will have a good life.

When wealth becomes the center of your life alone, then it ceases to become wealth, and you cannot be called wealthy because of your greediness. You are living that wealth not according to God's purpose.

So the message is for us to spread our fortune not only to the people close to our hearts but to the needy as well.

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