
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Color it yellow, red, purple and pink

Sometimes we get so engrossed with our activities, too preoccupied with our responsibilities and become too busy with every aspect of our lives that we forget to feed our hunger for serenity, self-love, reflection and God's love.

At one point or another we come to think that this is the real world, the world of challenges, crisis and obligations. Yes we are in the real world but it's also up to us if we just let ourselves be taken by the current. Our challenge is how to counter the current so we could live our life fully and happily.

I'm a serious person or should I say 'I was' or 'I used to be' that kind of person. I felt the overwhelming burden and I did not like that feeling. More often that not, it directs me to dystopia. I felt life is relentlessly toxic and there's no room for relief. But I was wrong. I realized, there's more to life than just thinking too much and worrying about the never-ending problems we encounter each day. Worrying about the future also brings anxieties.

I have learned the easy way of living life even amidst the crazed world we have today. There are little things that we sometimes forget to do that can take us away from craziness. In my case, I just simply learned to love myself and everything followed. I learned to enjoy every minute of my life, whether I'm alone , with my friends, with my colleagues or with my immediate family in my boarding house.

Here are some simple things that makes me happy: chatting with friends online/over coffee /over dinner; meeting new people at the favorite SNS Facebook; purchasing personal accessories; listening to my favorite songs/music; commenting on photos, wall posts, blog entries and any blurbs in my Facebook network; chatting with strangers/acquaintances; meeting new friends; going to church regularly; window shopping; blogging; narcissistic photo-shoot(ing); satisfying my cravings for my fave foods; partying with friends, thinking less; feeling more; minimizing worries; etc. etc. =)

Let's put more color to our lives, just like a rainbow!

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