
Sunday, November 1, 2009

20 Practical tips to beat the Big D!

Beat and kick that depression in you... Aja!!!

1. Pray, pray and pray. There’s nobody who can guide us except God especially in times when we don’t know what to do.

2. Blog, write, express, doodle, read. It’s a therapy. Bring out the creativeness in you. We are all artists in our own right.

3. Photo shoot /Go camera-whoring anywhere. Grab a DSLR or even a point and shoot digicam. Go out and click the shutter. Find a funny, pretty and even socially-relevant subject.

4. Cry, sleep, relax. Let your emotions pour. It definitely unloads resentments and despair. Sleep refreshes our mind and body.

5. Jog, stretch, walk, exercise. Let the sweat flow. Let your muscles and bones move. Physical activities will relieve you unconsciously.

6. Social networking (Facebook, Friendster, Flickr, Multiply, Twitter, etc). No need to explain.

7. Text and/or call cheerful friends and people important to you (not those depressed like you). Take advantage of the unlimited texting promos and discounted call rates/promos. Call all day and all night. Just make sure you aren’t causing discomfort/ disturbance to the person on the other line.

8. Photoshop all the way. Grab photos in your file. Make your own poster, collage, mosaic or even a personalized card for people you love.

9. Eat your favorite comfort food (mine is Selecta and Dairy Queen ice cream, Vouchelle cashew- flavored chocolates, all flavors of Dewberry, Marty’s Cracklings, Cheesecake, and Yakisoba by Nissin). Watch out for large amounts of calories though.

10. Chat with friends. Chatting keeps you from idleness.

11. Recollect happy memories in your life. Try to focus on those happy events in your life. Rekindle and re-celebrate those moments.

12. Take a bath. Fresh cool water does so much to revitalize our body. It could literally cool down hot-headedness.

13. Hear mass. Be reminded of Jesus Christ’s love for us.

14. Party with trusted friends. Do it with moderation. Don’t indulge yourself too much in liquor.

15. Forget life baggage and drop worries esp. work. Weekends and holidays must be devoted for personal affairs not work. Drop those worries and wait for the workweek to say hi.

16. Enjoy time with self. Grab those times when you are alone by yourself. Reflect and praise yourself for great things you made happen.

17. Watch movies. Go for a marathon =)

18. Do the laundry. It’s a very effective anti-depressant for me. Try it.

19. Watch Youtube clips. I suggest that you watch ‘funny and banned commercials’ and ‘don’t judge too quickly’ series.

20. Paksi moment with friends. Go out, have dinner/lunch out or coffee session with best friends. After sharing your problems, go feel free to LOL, that’s what we mean by paksi =)

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