
Friday, November 6, 2009

Reuniting with my old self is happy =)

I do feel that I am reuniting with my old self and I am happy with it. I find more time now for reflection. I am doing what I've been doing then (years ago), little by little. I am going back to the places I have visited frequently before. Indeed, I am trudging again the road I have traveled on years past. Yey!!! This is exciting. I am coming back to my sanctuary.

1) I am now frequenting the UP Chapel, a thing I've been doing then before my preoccupations in life. Just this afternoon I went there, heard the 6pm mass by myself. And the feeling is really great! I am also allotting more time for praying and reflection. It's really a healing process.

2) I dine in restaurants/fastfoods, canteens alone again (paminsan-minsan pa lang because I'm not comfortable yet).

3) I shop, go to bazaars or malls alone or with friends.

4) I find more time to read, write and blog. My love for books is restored.

5) My text inbox or even email inbox are full with friend's messages (especially high school friends). I converse with my old friends more now.

6) I am frequenting my bestfriend's home hahaha =)

7) I will be at home to UP Diliman again since I am returning as a student again (but with my old student number of course!). Yep, officially am a "Iskolar ng Bayan" again coz I'm already enrolled in a masteral program at NCPAG. The only difference is that, I am not literally a scholar now unlike my undergraduate years. Too bad, I'm no longer qualified to apply for an STFAP scholarship =) Going back to the university means that I will be studying again (of tsurs! hahaha). Will spend time reading and researching in libraries, do papers, participate in recitations, etc...

8) I am staying at home on weekends/holidays, doing stuff like washing my clothes and pressing them, fixing my things, cleaning the room, updating my blog more often, watching Youtube clips, working even on weekends, practicing putting make-up, listening to music, organizing my closet, cleaning my bags and shoes, digging on my old stuff and sleeping hahaha =)

9) Killing time.

10) Enjoying time for relaxation.

That's it! It's a very nice realization that I am more productive now and happier I guess . Better keep the ball rolling... Maybe tomorrow, I will find myself in movie houses alone too.

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