
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mockery of public office

GMA is aspiring for a congressional seat in Pampanga after nine consecutive years as President, saying public service was emblazoned on her DNA.

Former Maj. Jovito Palparan who is tagged as “berdugo” or human rights violator is eyeing a senatorial post and he is proud to declare his reason for running and that’s because militant solon Satur Ocampo has decided to run as Senator.

The author of the P728M fertilizer fund scam in 2004 (fund allegedly used for GMA's campaign), Jocjoc Bolante is also running for Governor of Roxas City.

Mark Jimenez who was sent out of the country and jailed in the US due to an extradition case has decided to run for the highest post (Presidency) in the country and vows to alleviate poverty, uphold human rights and advocate good governance.

PNP Director Jaime Caringal, one of eight “euro generals” is aspiring to become Mayor of Cabuyao town in Laguna.

Former Senior Supt. Cesar Mancao, a suspect in the Dacer-Corvito double murder case, has also filed candidacy for congressman of Compostela Valley.

So many aspirants, so little moral ascendancy to lead.

Who wouldn’t be bothered by this political circus in our country? It is neither funny nor entertaining. It is mockery of the public office. Sometimes, I wonder if democracy is indeed fit in this society of ours for it is being exploited by some.

Politics in our country is a total mess. It leads me into analyzing what really are their end goals for aspiring for public posts. Of course we have heard many times, in a repetitive manner, their intentions –that is to SERVE the Filipinos. They have almost uniform platforms such as poverty alleviation, good governance, transparency and accountability, respect for human rights, gender equality, agrarian reform, economic development and so on, and so on.

This scenario reminds me of what we were talking in my Public Ad class last Saturday about ethics in public administration. It was well agreed that not all legal are ethical. So then, we cannot argue about the legality of the decisions of these personalities to aspire for government elective positions for it goes beyond that. It is a question of delicadeza, character and wisdom (kahiyaan na lang sana mam, sir!).

Unfortunately, we are a very free country with a long-running culture of patronage politics, coupled with deep-rooted poverty and inequality. We wouldn’t be surprised if the gap between the rich and the poor Filipinos grows even wider, if public policies will be formulated with perverted views, and if law enforcement becomes a total sham.

On the positive side, maybe it is a wake up call to all of us.

Let us be guided then by these words of Scottish author and reformer Samuel Smiles:

“It will generally be found that men who are constantly lamenting their ill luck are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect, mismanagement, and improvidence, or want of application.”

Good luck and good wisdom to all of us in the forthcoming national elections.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Unconditional love

"When nobody cares, come to me.
When seemingly there's no solution to your problem, call me.
When you are confused, seek my advice and guidance.
When the world turns mad, seek my company.
When you feel troubled and overwhelmed with pain, let me comfort you." -Lord

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Recent trends in politics

Here are some updates in the political drama in our country:

1. Loren already said Yes to be Manny Villar's running mate in 2010 elections (perhaps the best camp she could join so it's OK)

2. Noynoy Aquino is still the favorite among Presidential aspirants as shown by the latest Pulse Asia survey with 44 percent. Villar came in second with 19, Escudero with 13 and Estrada 11 percent (that's a wow! let's just wait and see if he could sustain the poll lead)

3. Edu Manzano has accepted Gibo's offer to be his VP (weird!)

4. COMELEC has declined the application of Ang Ladlad Partylist to participate in the election saying there are already too many gays in Congress (funny!)


I'm in an iffy situation right now. I'm not sad, not quite happy as well. It's a so-so equation.

I don't think much about my life, my future or even the consequences of my present activities. I'm following one of the few principles about a happy and simple life presented by the author of "Living Naked" e-book I have recently read -that is to think less and feel more. So here I am, just enjoying my time and listening to what my heart says would make me happy.

I Facebook a lot and it has now came to a point of addiction. I chat a lot. I eat a lot. I sleep a lot hoping that my dreams would give the realization of my heart desires (at least in my dreams hehehe).

I am involved in a make-to-believe scheme with my friends. And the victim? Hmmm... an innocent and gullible high school classmate. Well, it's just for a laugh though. So we could get through with boring times.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pacman rules again!

Photo downloaded from pinoygigs.com

Ok, so he is indeed a strong man, worthy of our admiration. He makes us proud to be Filipinos.

I'm currently watching the Pacquiao-Cotto fight; it's now in the third round -Cotto's first fall. I can't concentrate though because of this lingering headache (combi effect of lack of sleep and tequila =) Had a party again last night with my friends. This time we've gained two new recruits hahaha, Juvy and Diana.

I want to sleep now but I need to watch the whole fight even if I already know who beats who.

So, Head 'n Shoulders is really effective huh.... not just for dandruff lol! =) But, there's something weird, Clear was the one who sponsored the coverage of the fight hehe :D

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Color it yellow, red, purple and pink

Sometimes we get so engrossed with our activities, too preoccupied with our responsibilities and become too busy with every aspect of our lives that we forget to feed our hunger for serenity, self-love, reflection and God's love.

At one point or another we come to think that this is the real world, the world of challenges, crisis and obligations. Yes we are in the real world but it's also up to us if we just let ourselves be taken by the current. Our challenge is how to counter the current so we could live our life fully and happily.

I'm a serious person or should I say 'I was' or 'I used to be' that kind of person. I felt the overwhelming burden and I did not like that feeling. More often that not, it directs me to dystopia. I felt life is relentlessly toxic and there's no room for relief. But I was wrong. I realized, there's more to life than just thinking too much and worrying about the never-ending problems we encounter each day. Worrying about the future also brings anxieties.

I have learned the easy way of living life even amidst the crazed world we have today. There are little things that we sometimes forget to do that can take us away from craziness. In my case, I just simply learned to love myself and everything followed. I learned to enjoy every minute of my life, whether I'm alone , with my friends, with my colleagues or with my immediate family in my boarding house.

Here are some simple things that makes me happy: chatting with friends online/over coffee /over dinner; meeting new people at the favorite SNS Facebook; purchasing personal accessories; listening to my favorite songs/music; commenting on photos, wall posts, blog entries and any blurbs in my Facebook network; chatting with strangers/acquaintances; meeting new friends; going to church regularly; window shopping; blogging; narcissistic photo-shoot(ing); satisfying my cravings for my fave foods; partying with friends, thinking less; feeling more; minimizing worries; etc. etc. =)

Let's put more color to our lives, just like a rainbow!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Facebook Addiction Test

I got this Facebook Addiction Test (FAT) from a group in said social networking site named "Facebook Addiction Disorder." I tried it myself and scored 51 =) Hehehe, not so much of an addict. Mine is mild addiction only. Go try the test and find out your level of addiction.

Facebook Addiction Test
To assess your level of addiction, answer the following questions using this scale:

1 = Rarely.
2 = Occasionally.
3 = Frequently.
4 = Often.
5 = Always.
Does Not Apply

1. How often do you find that you stay on facebook longer than you intended?

2. How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on facebook?

3. How often do you prefer the excitement of the Facebook to intimacy with your partner?

4. How often do you form new relationships with fellow facebook users?

5. How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend facebook?

6. How often do your grades or school work suffer because of the amount of time you spend on facebook?

7. How often do you check your e-mail before something else that you need to do?

8. How often does your job performance or productivity suffer because of Facebook?

9. How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what you do on Facebook?

10. How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of the Facebook?

11. How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go on facebook again?

12. How often do you fear that life without facebook would be boring, empty, and joyless?

13. How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while you are Facebook?

14. How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins?

15. How often do you feel preoccupied with the Facebook when off-line, or fantasise about being on Facebook?

16. How often do you find yourself saying "just a few more minutes" when on Facebook?

17. How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend Facebook and fail?

18. How often do you try to hide how long you've been on Facebook?

19. How often do you choose to spend more time on Facebook over going out with others?

20. How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are off-line, which goes away once you are back on Facebook?

Your Score:


After you've answered all the questions, add the numbers you selected for each response to obtain a final score. The higher your score, the greater your level of addiction and the problems your Facebook usage causes. Here's a general scale to help measure your score:

20 - 49 points: You are an average Facebook user. You may surf facebook a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.

50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of Facebook. You should consider their full impact on your life.

80 - 100 points: Your Facebook usage is causing significant problems in your life. You should evaluate the impact of Facebook on your life and address the problems directly caused by your Facebook usage.

For immediate help, visit your local Counseling Services which provides affordable and confidential counseling or review the array of Books and Tapes on Facebook addiction to learn more.

In love again

“If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.”
-- Barbara De Angelis


It’s been a long while
The last time I felt this love deep inside
The love that can save my soul, my heart…my life essentially
The love that no other human love can compare

It is empowering
It is reflective of my strength as a person
It is not love for martyrdom.
It is not love for temporary relief for boredom
It is not love for a game
It is not the typical love that withers through time.

It is just there in our hearts.
We never lose it.
We just forget about it sometimes.
But it is everlasting.

When cupid plays with out hearts
We do forget about it
We are fooled by the temporary love other people offer
Only to regret in the end

This season is a reason for a celebration.
Yeah really, coz I love myself even more now.
Cheers to singlehood!


“Loving yourself is a prerequisite to creating a successful and authentic union with another. The relationship you have with yourself is the central relationship.”

“Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers”
François de la Rochefoucauld

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wish list

Here’s my wish list for Christmas. Santa, ikaw na po ang bahala ha. Nagpapakabait naman ako eh hehehe =)

  • To be with my family and pamangkins
  • To be with someone special
  • To receive bonus(es) enough to buy gifts for my loved ones
  • A DSLR camera and a formal photography training afterward
  • A lady laptop bag for formal occasions
  • A pair of white gold earrings or new watch
  • A vacation to a foreign destination
  • A pair of high-heeled black shoes

*Wishes emphasized by colors are my top must-haves ^_^

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dark blue and silver lining

The tears should have dried up by now; the heart should have restored its normal beat at this moment. A complete resolve should have started its way to my edifice of thoughts and emotions. But no, the state of dysphoria is just commencing. The sadness is just as annoying as the repetitive motion of the pendulum. Just when I thought I can go through, brave the days with my mighty spirit and conquer all odds, this feeling... oh this feeling is just as disheartening as my heartbreaks.

All hills and mountains I am compelled to climb are so steep that I can't even enjoy the great terrain down or up there or in between the vast wilderness. Just when I thought I can take a nap for a moment, here comes another trek.

But even so, I know that He's up there, always ready to take me out of the dark. He is always in watch to every step I take. He won't let me slip into that un-sturdy rock and slippery step. I will always see him, always ready to offer me that harness so I wont drop down when I am in the tip of giving up.#

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God answered my prayers

I can't contain my happiness because God has listened to my prayers. I asked Him to decide for me and act in behalf of me. And yeah, I think He is doing what is right and He is taking action on the concerns I shared with Him.

I'm happier now. Some problems have been resolved quite well (surprisingly!). The blurs are becoming clear and transparent now. When you express everything honestly, you do really feel brand new afterward. It's as if a heavy load are dropped from your shoulders. The key is honesty, really! Everything will follow...

So.... =)

100 Years to live

I love this song by Five for Fighting. It's a melancholic one but it's beautiful. It tells us to reflect on our lives and to live it to the fullest because we only have a hundred years to live.

Because we are confined in this limited period of time, we have to spend it wisely; make the most of it; enjoy its every minute; and share it with the people we love most. Somehow, I realized that I have to appreciate the love I am getting from my family and friends and to love them in return.

Yes, there may be times that their efforts will fall short of our expectations but we just have to think that we have shortcomings too. Didn't we know long ago that nobody is perfect?

So today is another day of the 100 years we have . Enjoy it, feel it and live it! Because if not, we're gonna lose 0.0027% of our lifetime here on earth.

A great song really! Too bad embedding is not allowed in this video clip. Here's the link anyway: 100 Years Youtube Clip and here's the lyrics:

100 Years
Songwriters: Ondrasik, John

I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are

I'm 22 for a moment
And she feels better than ever
And we're on fire
Making our way back from Mars

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

I'm 33 for a moment
Still the man, but you see I'm a ?they'
A kid on the way, babe
A family on my mind

I'm 45 for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose yourself
Within a morning star

15 I'm all right with you
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

Half time goes by
Suddenly you're wise
Another blink of an eye
67 is gone
The sun is getting high
We're moving on

I'm 99 for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are

15 there's still time for you
22 I feel her too
33 you're on your way
Every day's a new day

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Song for the day

Am just so addicted to this song by Miley Cyrus. I wanna climb! Hannah Montana hehe =) See lyrics below.

The Climb
Songwriters: Alexander, J; Mabe, J.

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wealth is for community, friendship

The priest who celebrated the mass this afternoon at UP Chapel gave a pretty good and inspiring homily. He drew his sermon from the Gospel, which was about a parable of Christ. It's a story of a dishonest steward who squandered a portion of his master's riches. Despite his dishonesty, the master commended the steward when he learned that even if the steward wasted his money, he shared it with other people.

The priest said that wealth is not bad since it came from God. However, God's main purpose for giving it is for us to enjoy it with our friends, neighbors, and our community. Wealth is for friendship. God gave us wealth so all of us will have a good life.

When wealth becomes the center of your life alone, then it ceases to become wealth, and you cannot be called wealthy because of your greediness. You are living that wealth not according to God's purpose.

So the message is for us to spread our fortune not only to the people close to our hearts but to the needy as well.

Reuniting with my old self is happy =)

I do feel that I am reuniting with my old self and I am happy with it. I find more time now for reflection. I am doing what I've been doing then (years ago), little by little. I am going back to the places I have visited frequently before. Indeed, I am trudging again the road I have traveled on years past. Yey!!! This is exciting. I am coming back to my sanctuary.

1) I am now frequenting the UP Chapel, a thing I've been doing then before my preoccupations in life. Just this afternoon I went there, heard the 6pm mass by myself. And the feeling is really great! I am also allotting more time for praying and reflection. It's really a healing process.

2) I dine in restaurants/fastfoods, canteens alone again (paminsan-minsan pa lang because I'm not comfortable yet).

3) I shop, go to bazaars or malls alone or with friends.

4) I find more time to read, write and blog. My love for books is restored.

5) My text inbox or even email inbox are full with friend's messages (especially high school friends). I converse with my old friends more now.

6) I am frequenting my bestfriend's home hahaha =)

7) I will be at home to UP Diliman again since I am returning as a student again (but with my old student number of course!). Yep, officially am a "Iskolar ng Bayan" again coz I'm already enrolled in a masteral program at NCPAG. The only difference is that, I am not literally a scholar now unlike my undergraduate years. Too bad, I'm no longer qualified to apply for an STFAP scholarship =) Going back to the university means that I will be studying again (of tsurs! hahaha). Will spend time reading and researching in libraries, do papers, participate in recitations, etc...

8) I am staying at home on weekends/holidays, doing stuff like washing my clothes and pressing them, fixing my things, cleaning the room, updating my blog more often, watching Youtube clips, working even on weekends, practicing putting make-up, listening to music, organizing my closet, cleaning my bags and shoes, digging on my old stuff and sleeping hahaha =)

9) Killing time.

10) Enjoying time for relaxation.

That's it! It's a very nice realization that I am more productive now and happier I guess . Better keep the ball rolling... Maybe tomorrow, I will find myself in movie houses alone too.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Mala, hain ka na ngunyan. Mamundo, gari ayot, nagmumuto-muto. Dai mo man ako masasala. Tinao ko na saimo ang sakong pagkamoot. Paulit-ulit man sana ang satong problema. Sawa na ako ta garing dai man ki nagbabag-o.

Nagbag-o an an direksyon kan paros. Nagimata na ako sa realidad nin buhay. Mas moot ko na an sadiri ko ngunyan, bagay na sakong nalingawan kaitong mga nakaaging taon.

Bag-ong dahon nin panahon. Bag-ong pagkamoot. Bag-ong mga pangarap. Bag-ong mga prayoridad. Bag-ong buhay. Bag-ong kaogmahan.

Makulog man an sakong puso sa nangyayari. Sa halabang panahon, garing nangiturog ako. Pero lain na ngunyan. Totoong mundo na ining sakong piglalakawan. An dalan sa sakong mga pangarap.

Minsan sa buhay paghuna mo maogma ka, pero lain man palan. Naabot an punto na sawa ka na sa buhay na daing pagbabag-o. Kaya mas maray na ini. Kun ano man ang mangyayari, an Diyos na ang bahalang magdesisyon para sa sato. Dai ko na pino-problema an mga bagay na iyan. Kaya ko man mabuhay para sa sadiri ko.

An pagkamoot dapat sinasabuhay, pigpapahiling. Kunsabagay, dai ko aram kun anong klaseng personalidad an igwa ka. Kapatal-patal ko ta dai ko iyan naisip kaito. Paghuna ko ayos lang. Pero kaipuhan ko ang saimong pag-aaruga, an mamatian an pigsasabi mong pagkamoot.

Nata ka pan-o arog kaan? Makakaurag ka!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I miss you Sis

Today is your 21st birthday, supposedly.
I could have bought a dress for you or a bag perhaps.
I could have treated you to a dinner.
I could have shared with you my problems.

But you left me when you were still an angel.
I was nine then, a grade schooler. You were four.
I was washing your clothes at the communal "sagurong" (faucet) in our village when somebody broke the news.
It was the brother of my bestfriend Liezl.

Yes, i did not believe him; I told him that he was just kidding...
I left you at home with Mama and Papa in fine condition.
You were being treated by that other-village's albularyo (quack doctor).
Yes, you were ill but you were on the road to full recovery.

Who would have thought that on that day you will leave us.
The sunny day of June 10 that happened to be the birthday of our brother became a day of grief not of festivity.
You took with you our hearts, love and tears.
It was the very first time my heart was broken.

In my young mind, i envied your restful sleep in that pink coffin.
But you were crying, you dropped a tear in your face, I witnessed it.
I was afraid of dead people then but not of you.
I am your ate and so I love you and I was gravely saddened by your sudden goodbye.

Wherever you are now, I do hope that you feel our love.
Sorry that I was not able to visit you in your grave last November 1.
But in my heart, you are always alive.
You will always be my little sister Rouella =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Welcome to hotel in outer space in 2012!

Space hotel says it's on schedule to open in 2012
By Stuart McDill

BARCELONA (Reuters) - A company behind plans to open the first hotel in space says it is on target to accept its first paying guests in 2012 despite critics questioning the investment and time frame for the multi-billion dollar project.

The Barcelona-based architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost 3 million euro ($4.4 million) for a three-night stay at the hotel, with this price including an eight-week training course on a tropical island.

During their stay, guests would see the sun rise 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes. They would wear velcro suits so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the walls like Spiderman.

Galactic Suite Ltd's CEO Xavier Claramunt, a former aerospace engineer, said the project will put his company (www.galacticsuite.com) at the forefront of an infant industry with a huge future ahead of it, and forecast space travel will become common in the future.

"It's very normal to think that your children, possibly within 15 years, could spend a weekend in space," he told Reuters Television.

A nascent space tourism industry is beginning to take shape with construction underway in New Mexico of Spaceport America, the world's first facility built specifically for space-bound commercial customers and fee-paying passengers.

British tycoon Richard Branson's space tours firm, Virgin Galactic, will use the facility to propel tourists into suborbital space at a cost of $200,000 a ride.

Galactic Suite Ltd, set up in 2007, hopes to start its project with a single pod in orbit 450 km (280 miles) above the earth, traveling at 30,000 km per hour, with the capacity to hold four guests and two astronaut-pilots.

It will take a day and a half to reach the pod - which Claramunt compared to a mountain retreat, with no staff to greet the traveler.

"When the passengers arrive in the rocket, they will join it for 3 days, rocket and capsule. With this we create in the tourist a confidence that he hasn't been abandoned. After 3 days the passenger returns to the transport rocket and returns to earth," he said.

More than 200 people have expressed an interest in traveling to the space hotel and at least 43 people have already reserved.

The numbers are similar for Virgin Galactic with 300 people already paid or signed up for the trip but unlike Branson, Galactic Suite say they will use Russian rockets to transport their guests into space from a spaceport to be built on an island in the Caribbean.

But critics have questioned the project, saying the time frame is unreasonable and also where the money is coming from to finance the project.

Claramunt said an anonymous billionaire space enthusiast has granted $3 billion to finance the project.

(Writing by Stuart McDill; Editing by Belinda Goldsmith and Miral Fahmy) News Source at reuters.com

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 1 partying was relief

Ok it’s 12nn now! I am finally home. I am so sleepy and I wanna pamper myself with at least 5 hours of sleep. But for some unknown reason, I can’t fall asleep yet. So I am writing this piece hoping that the lullaby of the words and emotions will put me into rest.

After attending mass yesterday, I went directly to Cubao to meet with my Bessy and another guy friend. We headed to Fourth Estate in Sucat, Paranaque, the venue hehehe. We partied till 5:30am. It was in the house of a friend so we had the right to parteeehh…all night long. Red Horse with Royal was of no thrill so my BI bestfriend was to the rescue. Thanks to the nearby Mini-stop, a bottle of Tequila witnessed the rest of the fun. It almost drowned me to drunkenness but a smart girl wouldn’t allow so. So I was still in control, felt the LOL moments, memorized quotable quotes, enjoyed camera-whoring and controlled emotions from pouring. Yes I have problems but I don’t want to spoil our fun together.

I love my best pals for organizing the party. I know it was for me because they knew about my sprouting depression hehehe. We talked about high school memories especially crushes, relationships and teenage-playfulness. We talked about failed relationships, yes failed relationships, period =)

We talked about almost everything. We had paksi (laughter) all-night long and yeah, laughter is a very effective medicine indeed so I wanna prescribe it to every one. All of them, including me of course, are very camera-shy so we set another record of 350 shots hahaha. We beat the first record. Record breaker kami parang si Sarah Geronimo!!! Yahoooo…..

There, as I am writing this entry the pictures are now entering my email area of responsibility, signaling a Facebook upload activity in soonest time possible. Weyzch... lemme check! =)