
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Big Bs on a packed day

It was a loaded day for me. There were so many things to do and i didn't completely accomplish them. I am kind of tired....but well manageable. Am still happy and inspired.

There were also some surprises. At Congress canteen, familiar faces greeted me. First, Francis, my former workmate in Cong TG's office who has just braved the Big B. Not Big Brother but B as in B-A-R. He is a lawyer to be, i pray so.

Then there was another Big B hahaha. It was Sir Bayan, my big boss at QC Times. Saw him grinning from the not so distant Fruitas store with his client Mr. Jopet Inton, who's also an employee of Congress. Mr. Inton is running for Councilor in QC's third district this coming 2010 elections. I once met with him when I was still in QC Times.

I scheduled my boss (Cong Paez) for two media interviews, one for radio and one for a magazine. I coordinated with the Cebu coordinator for my boss media interview there this coming Sunday (Oct 18). I wished to finish the Photo Exhibit storyline but failed to do so. Letters, calls, correspondences...there they ate most of my time.

Without wifi internet connection, i felt incomplete. Good thing icts showed up at 6pm so i was able to check my email, write and post this piece and check my Facebook notifications.

Ok now, time to go home! See yah tomorrow!

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