
Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Ways Towards Living a More Meaningful Life

You might be like me who struggle everyday for this much sought meaningful life. Yet, the more we seek for meaning, sometimes the more we get frustrated.

Perhaps, you get exasperated at times with the routine everyday in which you feel you are living in a box, confined in its six sides. Well, you are not alone. I, too, feel uninspired, tired, bored (or any adjective synonymous to it) sometimes. I understand you. We crave for change, for more challenges and significant experiences.

Life is too precious to waste. Every one of us has a unique purpose in life. My friend, lets stop berating ourselves for what we don’t know and don’t do well. We could discover our strengths, passions, purpose and build our life on those. Let’s start empowering ourselves now!

I can share you some ideas on how to do so. Let’s do these together:

1. Reexamine self. There is no other being who knows you best other than yourself. Ask yourself what you want to do in life that will make you happy. Make a list of them and classify them into two: achievable and unworkable (as you think they are). Also, honestly list down your strengths and weaknesses as well as limitations.

2. Resolve. In your list of ‘achievables’, think of practical solutions or actions on how to make them happen. Consider your weaknesses and strengths and the condition around you. To those you deem ‘unworkable’, think of the simplest step that you think could lead up to your dream. Remember, it only takes ones will to do the impossible. There’s no impossible if we dare push the walls that block our way towards them.

3. Act. Begin now. Take the first step that will lead to another. Eventually, you’ll just wake up one day realizing you already grabbed your goal. Cherish the moment. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. It won’t take you just a day or two to achieve your goals. Happiness is not acquired in a blink. It is earned through time.

4. Reckon on lessons learned. Since life is a cycle, you’ll be back to boredom and emptiness in time even if you achieved everything in your list. There’s no easy way towards happiness. You’ll certainly meet mistakes and failures along the way. If the time comes when you are again in the doorstep of misery, think of the lessons you’ve learned along the process. Such will help you improve you and will lead you to a more meaningful endeavor.

5. Learn something new. The secret to fulfillment is self knowledge. Start the exciting journey of discovery. Read books. Surf the world wide web. Go out of your house. There are many resources out there that can help you acquire new knowledge. The more you know, the more actively you pursue your purpose. You can also work on your interests like playing musical instruments, drawing or designing, dancing, teaching kids, etc that you have involuntarily abandoned because of your work and other preoccupations.

6. Concentrate on your strengths. Don’t be clogged in lamenting for things you do not excel. Focus on what you could do well; those reflect who you are. Leave the other things to people who do them well. Or later on, you could start improving for that weakness; remember that you’ll undergo a process and perfection is just a state of mind.

7. Celebrate and praise yourself. Be happy for every accomplishment you get. Others may not see a particular thing an achievement but be true to yourself. Do not be disturbed by what other people say especially those who underrate your achievements.

8. Count your blessings. Make a list of blessings, either small or big. Thank the Lord for such good fortunes. Be motivated to bring back kindness to the people around you.

9. Limit your desires. The most practical way to combat dissatisfaction is to limit your ‘wants’. Live a simple life. Dealing so much on things you do not have will not make you happy. Do not dream for the stars and the moon. Eliminate as well the things you don’t enjoy, those that give more problems rather than joy.

10. Give love. The most meaningful life is the one that is founded on and is driven by love. Get married and have a child. This will bring an incomparable feeling and joy that we humans are looking for in life. For those who prefer to live in solitude, jumpstart your self-esteem by giving back to the community. Volunteer in a meaningful way that suits who you are and your interests.

I hope you’ll enjoy the journey. Get to know yourself and the people who make you human. Start a new life; fulfill your dreams. Meaningful life is within your reach and happiness is right at your doorstep! :)

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