
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Overwhelming responsibilities

It’s more than I can take (sigh!)

Oh yeah, you got it right; that’s an expression of weariness and despondency. All aspects of my life require me to be strong (or at least to pretend to be strong, hopeful and happy ) but inside, the pain and unease run deep.

The trigger was pulled and here I am ranting, seeking for people who could understand me. And I am happy that they are there for me to extend moral, emotional and even financial support. This is the positive side, you find out who really are your friends for without even asking, they give you and tell you what others wouldn’t. They are the people who know me and whom I trust and shared myself with. I love them.

On Career
You hoped that somehow your efforts will be rewarded or at least be recognized. But you have just learned that it is just another exploitative world. They milk out the best in you; they grab your youth and kindness. You are left in the dark for no good. And you, because you want to learn and discover new things and be the one you are --professional, civic minded, and driven – you do more than what is required from you. That’s because you are used to volunteerism and charity work. Just pray that you’ll not reach the state of being burnt out that soon or you’re out.

On Family
You do love your family and so you voluntarily assumed responsibilities that you could have dismissed early on because you have your own life to build. Your two younger brothers who are both in college depend on you. And here comes enrolment and you are compelled again to shell out money for their tuition and allowances. You love them and you believe that the best investment is on education and on people (not on material things) so you do it without hesitation. But in times of great need, when you yourself are in the verge of financial bankruptcy, you feel the overwhelming responsibilities in your shoulders. You want to develop yourself too, enter graduate school and invest in your future. So you bear the most difficult situation of enrolment blues (made even more miserable by the long process of salary disbursement).

On love
You’ve invested so much in your relationship hoping that it will see a happy ending. But everything is hanging now. You lost interest in the so-called ‘next level’ and shifted your priorities in your studies, work and social life (friends). You waited and dreamt of the most momentous event but failed to realize it. And so you’re infuriated and now confront a cloud of doubt.

You just love challenge, don’t you? So be strong! Be happy and be thankful to God that you made it to graduate school (MA at UP-NCPAG). You can now start weaving and reuniting your dreams...

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