
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photo Essay: Brotherly Love

I happened to pass by Malate church and saw these street children in front of the church. I was touched as to how the kuya (elder brother) showed care and love to his younger brother. 

I will not talk much and will let the photos tell the story. In the spirit of street photography/photo journalism, i did not alter or edited the photos. Hope you get the message and the STORY.

Live life to the extreme

Note: Late posting. This piece sat as a draft entry for two months.

A group jumpshot at the top of Mt. Pico de Loro before we kiss goodbye to this beautiful place.

I'm sorry if i borrowed the phrase "Live life to the extreme" of Prolife. I just saw the tagline printed on the shirt of a climber i met last Saturday during our Mt. Pico de Loro climb. I just love the message.

In my younger years, i used to do rappelling, hiking, and camping in my hometown. After a long time, city life changed the type of activities i do but it did not burn my passion for outdoor activities. I love traveling and nature trips. Recently, i have just re-ignited this passion by joining a mountain climb organized by Uragon Mountaineers. I cannot call myself a mountaineer yet but I'm certain that I will pursue this extreme hobby.

                                The Parrots Beak. Photo by David Lemos
I'm so elated for my successful first climb despite bad weather.

 So much for the introduction... Now, let me share my first climb experience.

June 5 was the day i long waited for - my first real mountaineering  experience. Our destination is Mt. Pico de Loro aka Mt. Palay-palay.

Pico de Loro offers a magnificent 360 view from the summit. Located approximately 85 kilometers southwest of Manila by road, located within Cavite and Batangas rolling mountains, it is situated where the Caraballo Mountains are in the north, Nasugbu, Batangas in the south, Maragondon on the east and the South China Sea on the west. Considered the highest mountain in the Cavite province, Pico de Loro is the highest point within the boundary of Cavite and Batangas. The view from the summit is awesome, facing the sea on the north-eastern side of the Manila Bay area. (www.waypoints.ph)

We just stayed here while others climbed the peak.

It was not a lucky day for us because it rained while we were traversing Magnetic Hill, which means that our climb will become even more challenging. And indeed, it was.

Being a beginner, it took so much of my breath before we reached the top. The rain made our ascent difficult because of slippery trek. I was also a bit disappointed since I wasn't able to enjoy the sight and had limited time shooting because my camera might get wet, plus the fact that the scenery was not that good. At the top for instance, the fogs hid the view. So we did not see the beautiful surroundings  from a bird's eyeview perspective. But it was fun nevertheless. Having great time with climbers from Uragon Mountaineers and Climbers Laboratory was what really mattered. The friendship and the passion for this hobby bonded us all.
Thanks God, the rain stopped for a while.

Since I did not dare to pursue the Parrot's Beak (peak) this time because of safety reasons, i will definitely have a repeat of this experience and i hope to go back to Pico de Loro on a fine weather to maximize the enjoyment. But for now, I am content and happy that my first climb was successful. You know why? Despite the slippery trek, the heavy backpack and the bad weather, i did not slip. Yahoo! =)

Climbers Laboratory

Uragon Mountaineers

Friday, July 23, 2010

Im afraid

Im afraid i am getting older. I have just celebrated my 27th birthday last July 5. But what i am more afraid of is this seemingly gray point in my life. I want to finish my MA degree but i am too lazy to do my school works, too uninterested to read and study. I want to perform well my work and be professional enough in dealing with my daily tasks but i know i am falling short of what i ought to be.

Am i failure? I am afraid of the answer. What is happening to me is absolutely beyond my capacity to comprehend. Do i have to weave my dreams again, suffer discomforts or face adversities just to be inspired again? Should i wait for that miserable point before i take action?

I guess the answer should be 'no.'

Monday, June 21, 2010

I know how it feels to be a ‘mother’ last night

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have my own child yet and neither I am bearing one nor adopting one. It’s just that I felt what a mother might be feeling when time comes for her child to leave and spread his/her wings.

My younger brother, whom I am sending to college, is like a ‘child’ of mine. I started rearing him two years ago when he came here in Manila to study. But little did I know that, I was just a provider for him for the last two years. It was only last night that I became emotionally involved with his life. And so, last night was memorable and I cried.

Last night he texted me that he left the house of our elder brother and he will now be staying in a boarding house together with two other ‘strangers’ as I call them. He said he’ll take care of budgeting the allowance I’m giving him especially now that he has to pay for the monthly house rental. I asked a lot of questions, just what a mother does, I guess, given the same situation. I don’t want him to live on his own because I fear about his safety. I’m worried that he might stumble upon a group of drug addicts, smokers, heavy drinkers that could influence him badly. I fear that he might forget about his studies and his life will be gone astray.

But he needs it. He has to spread his wings and learn how to be independent. He has to discover reality and know what life really is all about. He needed to leave his comfort zone under the auspices of a family just the same as when I left my mother and father a decade ago.

And so last night, I cried. I cried because I am not ready to let go of my brother. I cried because I’m worried about his security. I cried because I remember my parents in the province and realized how painful it was for them every time one of their kids leaves them. I cried because I know that I will feel the same feeling when time comes that my own children will leave me in the future.

Just another thought

Happiness is like mercury, according to the priest from yesterday's mass i heard. When you directly attempt to get hold of it, it appears elusive. Happiness comes when it is less sought.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Best dad

The best fathers in the world are those who are not just good providers but also those who have positive outlook in life and are courageous. Courageous enough to stand with his family through thick and thin. Courageous enough to resist various temptations life brings throughout his lifetime. Courageous enough to conquer all odds. And so i say, my father is one of the best fathers in the world and i am proud of him =)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The greatest challenge in life

I stumbled upon a piece of writing in a news daily this morning. The author of the article talked about how people dissuade him from marrying that soon because according to them life is difficult. But the author just ignored their advice because for him, life with his love and family-to-be would give more meaning into his life. And his main point was that, life is always seen difficult by most people even if they are well off, far better than others who are just coping and living with whatever measly blessings they have.

Reading the article directed me to reflect and once again, i realized it is really difficult for people to be content with what they are, what they have and what they have become. And so, it just strengthened my argument that the greatest challenge of all time is how to be content in life.


I went to a bookstore few hours ago and saw lots of books of different types and topics. Then a thought came into my mind. I don't know, it's been a while since i stopped writing (parang kinakalawang na ata ang writing skills ko).

Suddenly, my dream of writing a book resurrected. I want to see that book authored by me in the bookstores. Waah.... i hope it will still be realized during my lifetime.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'd like to make myself believe

I'd like to make myself believe
It is ME you are looking for
The one you want to hold and adore
The one you want to share your life with now and forevermore.

I'd like to make myself believe
That it is YOU I'm looking for
The one I wanted to hold and adore
The one I want to share my life with now and forevermore.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the stars will conspire to my dream
A dream of a happy and strong family,
Of a love enduring and real.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the sun will shine on our lives every minute of the day
That you will be the sunshine I have dreamt in my life
The ONE who will lighten even my darkest days.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the moon will smile upon us
Together with Venus and all the shining stars in the sky
To make our nights alive and meaningful.

I'd like to make myself believe
That YOU and I will be together
Not only in my dreams
Not only in the corners of my imagination.

I'd like to make myself believe
That there is a chance for YOU and ME
That a new day is waiting for us to be carefree
That the world will welcome us freely and happily.

I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I don't wanna love

I am sad.
I am tired.
I hate this life
This damn life of mine.

Why me?
When there are many.
Why is it always always me?
Your eyes are all pointed to me.

I don't wanna love
If love is seen that way.
I don't want to have a family
If all burden is on to me.

Poor I for I have much love in my heart
I wanna lift the curse but it seems to linger till forever
Signing off is not a prerogative either
Oh my, shall i stay bitter or just wait for this love to wither?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


i found the blog of this certain person and i was amazed on how he expresses himself in paragraphs. the grammar, his writing style, and more importantly the essence of what he writes and his views on things put into one are perfect. nakaka-inlove tuloy =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My take on photography

Other people would define photography as an art. One would say it’s an special skill. Another may look at it as a past time while some would see it as a means to earn a living. What photography is to me is something different.

Photography has opened doors for friendships for me and that’s what makes me hooked on to it. The feeling of being with a family or circle of friends is priceless. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction and security. The concern of new acquaintances and friends makes my days wonderful. So I call photography a social process.

My social network broadened since I joined Nikon Club Philippines and took a photography workshop at FPPF. After I graduated from FPPF, I continuously meet new people. The social networks of my classmates were also opened up for me and I love the feeling.

New experiences keep coming with photowalks, trips and even a simple dinner or chitchat. I meet the family of some of my photography friends and see how warm they are. My recent week-end getaway to Quezon province proves so.

Producing great photos is the aim of every photographer and winning in photo contests too. Yes, it is fulfilling indeed if you got to grab awards and be recognized for the great works you produce. That’s part of this wonderful photography world. But having good friends for keeps is another story and that story is much more interesting =)

Friday, April 23, 2010


Okey since I find it hard to fall asleep, maybe because of the excessive coffee intake , i will just share my thoughts and activities yesterday (yes yesterday since it's 3am already of the new day).

I started the day right, full of enthusiasm and hope that the day will unfold more exciting experiences. And yes it did, except for a minor gibberish.

I intended to witness the opening of the Aliwan Festival at CCP Complex. There was a Pasakalye, an intercollegiate competition at 7pm but since i have meeting with the marketing group, I wasn't able to watch and shoot the event. In an spontaneous decision though, I met with an FPPF classmate to shoot the sundown at Baywalk. The sun set slowly so at 6pm I was still in Manila taking sunset photos. I had to rush to Shaw Boulevard for our meeting. Oh yeah, I was late. Sareehh naman =)

The meeting turned out great. We discussed a lot of things. I am happy that the NCP marketing group is very active and the members are dedicated to their responsibilities. Kudos!!

Ok im going to share my photo of the day.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Depth of field

^I bought this book yesterday, an addition to my photography kit and knowledge. Oh my, can't resist myself buying photography accessories. But i know this would be helpful, i knew just by browsing its content. Happy reading and happy learning rossi!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I love this song ^_^)

Songwriters: Young, Adam

You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell

But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams


Friday, March 26, 2010

Opinions on PUP tuition hike issue

Yesterday, I posted in my Facebook status my opinion about the plan to increase the tuition in PUP. It has elicited reactions from my FB network and as of today here is the exchange of ideas:

El Niño phenomenon

The drying plants is a testimony of how destructive El Nino can be. We could then imagine its impact: more droughts characterized by dry and cracked farmlands, brown forests, a possible rice crisis, hunger, skin diseases, inflation etc. Quite saddening.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anawangin Cove... libreng beach*

Boracay & Baguio in one

Sikat na sikat na ang Anawangin Cove sa mga beach lovers, mountaineers o maging sa mga ordinaryong tao tulad ko. Oo, sapagkat bukod sa mala-Boracay ang beach nito dahil sa white sand, meron pang mga bundok na pwedeng akyatin at marami ding pine trees na nagbibigay lilim sa camp site. Kaya naman talagang it’s a haven for relaxation, away from the madding crowd in the metro!

At eto pa, dito shinoot ang And I Love You So na movie nina Bea Alonzo, Sam Milby at Derek Ramsay na showing na sa mga sinehan.

Introducing the heart-shaped Anawangin Cove

Nagpunta ako dito noong February at talaga namang it was a trip to remember. Pristine white sand beach, back-to-basics life, boat ride, camping, trekking, candle-lit dinner at photo shoot to the max dahil sa napakagandang tanawin. Higit sa lahat, libre lang dito! (P100 pesos maintenance fee lang ang ibibigay mo kay Kuya). Kaya san ka pa tara na, ating tuklasin ang Anawangin!

 Welcome to Anawangin!

Ang Anawangin Cove ay makikita sa San Antonio, Zambales. Dalawang paraan lamang para makapunta dito: 20-30 minute boat ride galing Pundaquit o kaya’y anim na oras na trekking sa Pundaquit range. Hindi pa commercialized ang Anawangin kaya naman natural beauty talaga ang aabutan mo. Wala ding mga tindahan dito kaya walang polusyon. Siyempre ibig sabihin niyan, magbabaon ka ng pagkain niyo.

Wala ring mga hotel dito kaya happy camping talaga. Back to basics, walang kuryente kaya siguraduhing naka-full charge ang camera niyo. Ang cellphone mo naman ay magkakaroon ng ibang role, either magiging camera o kaya radyo siya sa buong stay niyo sa island. Yup, kasi walang signal dito.

We enjoyed trekking in a mountain with completely no trail to follow! Took advantage of the view down there...

Tandaan mga friends, ito ang mga essential na kailangan kung pupunta ka dito: Drinking water, enough food, flashlight or candle, tent, swimwear at siyempre camera! Kung medyo maselan ka, pwede ring magdala ng mga sumusunod: Off lotion (pero hindi naman malamok), sun block, utensils at gamit sa pagluluto (pero ok na ang canned goods, bread at iba pang hand-food), at emergency light.

Paano pumunta: Sumakay ng Victory Liner bus papuntang Iba o Sta. Cruz, Zambales. Pwede ring hanggang Olongapo. Kung biyaheng Sta. Cruz ang nasakyan mo, baba ka sa sentro ng bayan ng San Antonio. Kung hanggang Olongapo naman ang nasakyan mo galing Manila, sakay ka ulit ng bus mula Olongapo na may biyaheng Sta. Cruz. Pababa ka rin sa San Antonio. May mga tricycle dito, magpahatid ka hanggang Pundaquit. Dito, marami kang makikilalang may-ari ng bangka. Magpahatid kasama ang iyong mga katropa sa Anawangin. Kung gusto mo namang makausap ang isang boat man bago ka pa pumunta, text mo lang ako. Ipapakilala ko sayo si Kuya Ariel, ang naghatid sa amin.

Ayan nasa Anawangin ka na! Isang mahalagang tip lang, mas magandang pumunta dito kapag tag-init (ibig sabihin hindi umuulan) para mas enjoy! Ayan, punta na sa one of the best beaches sa bansa. To simply describe Anawangin, it’s Boracay and Baguio in one.

Happy campers enjoying their stay in this wonderful place ^_^

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No to tuition hike

I watched the primetime news today and one hot issue is the proposed tuition hike in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines where the main campus is located at Sta. Mesa, Manila. PUP is one of the popular state universities in the Philippines that caters to poor but deserving college students.

I oppose the plan to increase the tuition in said university (or in any state college and university for that matter) because it will deprive even more those who are already deprived of many things. Education is a basic right, regardless of one's social status. The state has the duty, as the Constitution dictates, to provide quality education with no discrimination.

It saddens me that education in the country, aside from its apparent deterioration, is also being commercialized now. Few years ago, the government did it to the University of the Philippines. They increased the tuition from P300/unit to P1,000/unit and yes they succeeded. It is really a burden paying high tuition. I am speaking based on personal experience because when i enrolled in UP last November 2009 I paid P2,000 per unit for my masteral subjects. For two subjects alone, P12,000 na agad plus the miscellaneous fees.

Now, it's PUP that is on the line; from P12/unit to P200/unit, that is the proposal. I hope it won't push through especially with the strong opposition from the students. To all students out there, wag tayong papayag na muli silang magtagumpay.


Kelan kaya?

Nakakainggit sila...
Sa malayong tanaw pagmamahal sa isa't-isa ang aking nakikita.
Gusto ko ring umakyat ng bundok
At masilayan ang paglubog ng araw kasama ka.
Kelan kaya kita makakasama doon sa tuktok?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meeting new faces

Photo by Alvin Banlaygas, NCP Member

Joining Nikon Club Philippines brought lots of opportunities to meet people from different walks of life. It's a wonderful experience to have new acquaintances (hopefully these will turn into more serious friendships). For now, I am just enjoying my time in the forum, some photowalks and EBs.

Photography is almost an addiction to me at this point in time. I want to loosen up but i don't know how. Bisyo na'to!!!

Well on the other hand, this hobby gives some therapy during stressful days. It gives me happiness and some kind of fulfillment especially when i get pretty good shots. Oh well, i've known long before that it is a therapy ^_^)

I love photography!

2010 Search for Outstanding Public Servants

The search for the deserving public servants is on now. Hope this one will not be politicized and those who will be chosen are really worthy of the honors they will receive. These chosen few has to exhibit integrity, honesty, and dedication to serve and uphold public interest.

Monday, March 22, 2010

jampacked weekend

My weekend was tiring yet i enjoyed every activity i had last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I prepared my assignment for my photography workshop last Friday, have my photos printed and spent some time in the mall (date with myself). I looked for a pair of comfy shoes since i don't have a decent shoes, which i can use for outdoor-sy activities like shooting. I only have slippers and high-heels. I don't have rubber shoes and any other flat shoes.

Saturday, i attended the Epson seminar on color management held at Ortigas organized by the Nikon Club Philippines. After the seminar, and after meeting other members of NCP, i had the chance to have lunch and li'l chitchat with some of my new acquaintances..

 Nikon Club Philippines Seminar on Color Management, sponsored by EPSON Philippines

Since i was already set to spend the whole day out for photography-related activities, i joined Konrad and Sir Cris (mga ka-org sa NCP) for a photowalk. We practiced panning at the Gladesport Lateral Drift Championship launch at Eastwood City in Libis, Quezon City. It was a perfect time for a break-in for my new lens 55-200mm. I'm happy there were models too so i was able to take several shots of them. I was not good at panning so i concentrated on the pretty models. I met Bambi, a sweet model in her early teens. We left Eastwood around 7pm after a refreshment at CoffeeBean courtesy of Konrad, my new friend and kuya.

 At Glade Lateral Drifting, Eastwood City Libis

I had my third session for the basic photography workshop yesterday. We learned about the history of photography and further insights on art in photography after our group presentations. Our mentor yesterday is a professor at UP College of Fine Arts.

During lunch time, I met Sir Marvin a member of NCP who is also taking the FPPF workshop but in the advance class. I was able to talk with him for few minutes only since they have their shoot and we have our classroom discussion. I met a friend after the workshop for dinner.

That makes my week-end :D

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Out of focus

No, im not pertaining to photography or to my out of focus photographs. I am myself is out of focus. I cant concentrate on my priorities because of so many concerns and distractions.

My seemingly disorganized thoughts reflect on my activities and output. I feel that I am not productive. Why does my disposition betray me? Oh this feeling, why are you betraying me....

 The out-of-focus me

I just want to see some light, talk with sensible people, enjoy shooting, learn how to see the colors of the world, feel and see the vividness of the summer....and so on and so on.....

I do remember my childhood days, though not entirely but some seasons of naivety. Happy are those days of a young girl in me who was carefree and jolly. Growing up brings a lot of worries and stress. My mind is infested with so many thoughts, fears, and unrest.

I want to grow young again; no worries, no fears, no resentments.

i want fresh air

Yesterday was a very stressful day. I came home late because of extended meeting for the AVP project (work-related). And today, here i am in the Congress office, alone again. As usual, its writing, writing, writing messages of my boss for the annual general assemblies of cooperatives. There were lots of requests i attended to and requests are still coming.

I want to go to the field, join campaign sorties so i could also see the beauty of nature especially in provinces where air is fresh and unpolluted. I wanna see greenery, hills and beaches probably. In short, i wanna shoot :D

Please take me out of the hot metro!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can't let go of my first love

Hundreds of preoccupations took my first 3 ½ months of the year. Reports and papers for my MA class, various concerns in my work especially that campaign period is ongoing and the sudden shift of interest in photography (given that I got my long-been- aspired dslr camera last December 30). Then there’s the chitchatting spree at various social networking sites and photography club sites.

I almost forgot about my blogging activity. But now I realized I can’t let go of my first love.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maling Akala

I reserve my right to say nasty words because doing so will be an unbecoming of a yuppie in me. But im not manhid; in fact i'm deeply hurt. That's why i dont want to hurt others by publishing my sentiments in here because i know how it feels to be hurt, especially when the person who hurts you is someone who is, in your full knowledge, a real true sincere(redundancy is intentional) confidant of yours. Well, i'll just sing Brownman Revival's Maling Akala ^_^


Our time here on earth is not all about competition.
There are more important concerns that we, intentionally
or unintentionally, have ignored.

Pity those people whose perspectives in life is so narrow.
Pity those people who are saddened every time his neighbor thrives.
Pity those people who never see the good nature of every human.

Cant you be happy with others' success?
Cant you be happy with others' happiness?
Can you just mind your own business?

I advise you should
For without accepting others achievements
Your own real happiness will remain dismal.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The birth of my hometown Magallanes, Sorsogon

Excerpt from Luis Camara Dery’s book From Ibalon to Sorsogon, published 1991

The town of Magallanes was created in a manner similar to that of Pilar [backed by an espanol-europeo who owns astilleros or shipyards]. The abandoned villages of Parina (formerly the site of the ancient village of Yguey) and Caditaan, located at the mouth of Sorsogon Gulf just opposite Bagatao Island, were also rapidly resettled due to the clearing of the Burias Pass. However, these two villages gained prominence when the espanol-europeo, Don Manuel de Castro, established his astillero there. In fact, Parina and Caditaan owed their growth to Don Manuel de Castro.

 My hometown -Magallanes, Sorsogon

Don Manuel de Castro left Spain in 1819 and for three years, roamed the oceans as a sailor. Tired of sailing, he settled in Sorsogon in 1822 where he became an abaca trader and cultivator. Through his efforts and foresight, he succeeded in making the abaca trade in Sorsogon profitable. The price of abaca doubled in the province from its low price of one and a half real per chinanta to about three reales, thus benefitting the inhabitants of Sorsogon. He became a very successful abaca trader such that by 1835 he was able to build the brigantine Samuel which became his primary means in exporting abaca from Sorsogon to Manila. Abaca, thus, made Don Manuel prosperous and well-known in the towns along the gulf of Sorsogon.

Because of his high socio-economic stature, the colonial government of Albay appointed Don Manuel as chief inspector of Wine and Liquors (fiel principal de Vinos y Licores) for the Partido de Sorsogon from 1838 to 1842. Seeing the growing role of coastal vessels in Kabikolan’s economic development, he left colonial service and transferred his residence to Parina in April 1843 where he established his own astillero. Before this, Parina was almost deserted and was largely inhabited by some fishermen’s huts. To secure his shipyard, he got official permission to build a baluarte in 1847 at the tip of Bagatao Island called Punta, which faces Burias Pass, thereby warding off any possible surprise raid against his shipyard. Assured of adequate protection and steady employment, people from nearby towns gravitated to Parina and Caditaan.

The increased population in the two villages led to the need for a church and convent which Don Manuel voluntarily agreed to construct. In this endeavor, he personally wrote the bishop of Nueva Caceres asking for the assignment of a permanent priest to service the religious needs of the inhabitants of the two villages. To secure such request, Don Manuel personally guaranteed to shoulder the upkeep of the priest that shall be assigned to the two villages.

Besides the abovementioned worthy undertakings. Don Manuel also led the villages’ inhabitants in clearing the nearby forests, thereby enabling his workers and their families to supplement their income from the shipyard. For his part, he established his own hacienda in 1850 in the said cleared lands where he planted and cultivated abaca, coffee, cacao, sugar cane, palay, and livestock spending no less than 8,000 pesos in his pioneering agricultural venture.

 Gibalon --the site where the first catholic mass in Luzon was celebrated

By 1857 Parina and Caditaan had grown into five cabeceras and together had 431 tributes. Don Manuel’s astillero became a major place of anchorage for major ships at that time. It also became a well-known shipyard such that big merchants and even the colonial government had contracted its services. Throughout its existence, Don Manuel’s shipyard had built the barca Preciosa, the goletas Estrella, Maria, San Joaquin, Sta. Maria de los Angeles, and La Asuncion; the fragatas Bella, Gallega, and La Encarnacion; the brigantines Campeador, Brillante, San Benito, Daois y Velarde, San Lorenzo Pelayo, and San Mauricio; besides numerous lorchas and faluas.

On December 1856 the teniente actual of Parina, Don Mariano Bon, together with the inhabitants of Parina and Caditaan, petitioned the colonial authorities for their formation as a town separate from Casiguran. The colonial authorities in Manila disapproved their petition for lack of required minimum number of tribute-payers. However, Don Manuel de Castro intervened on behalf of the petitioners and personally wrote the governor-general on 11 January 1858, explaining the benefits that would accrue to Parina and Caditaan if they became a new town. Presumably due to his intercession, Governor-General Norzagaray issued a decree on 30 April 1859 approving the petition of Parina and Caditaan as a new town to be called “Magallanes” in honor of Fernando de Magallanes. The twelve electores of the new town honored Don Manuel de Castro by electing him the town’s first gobernadorcillo in recognition of his invaluable contributions to the inhabitants of Magallanes.

The next step which finalized Magallanes’ existence as an independent town was made on 11 December 1863 when the colonial authorities in Manila approved the inhabitants’ request to make the town an independent parish. The approval was again secured when Don Manuel committed himself to shoulder and direct the construction of the town’s church, convent, and casa tribunal.