
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Out of focus

No, im not pertaining to photography or to my out of focus photographs. I am myself is out of focus. I cant concentrate on my priorities because of so many concerns and distractions.

My seemingly disorganized thoughts reflect on my activities and output. I feel that I am not productive. Why does my disposition betray me? Oh this feeling, why are you betraying me....

 The out-of-focus me

I just want to see some light, talk with sensible people, enjoy shooting, learn how to see the colors of the world, feel and see the vividness of the summer....and so on and so on.....

I do remember my childhood days, though not entirely but some seasons of naivety. Happy are those days of a young girl in me who was carefree and jolly. Growing up brings a lot of worries and stress. My mind is infested with so many thoughts, fears, and unrest.

I want to grow young again; no worries, no fears, no resentments.

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