
Monday, June 21, 2010

I know how it feels to be a ‘mother’ last night

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have my own child yet and neither I am bearing one nor adopting one. It’s just that I felt what a mother might be feeling when time comes for her child to leave and spread his/her wings.

My younger brother, whom I am sending to college, is like a ‘child’ of mine. I started rearing him two years ago when he came here in Manila to study. But little did I know that, I was just a provider for him for the last two years. It was only last night that I became emotionally involved with his life. And so, last night was memorable and I cried.

Last night he texted me that he left the house of our elder brother and he will now be staying in a boarding house together with two other ‘strangers’ as I call them. He said he’ll take care of budgeting the allowance I’m giving him especially now that he has to pay for the monthly house rental. I asked a lot of questions, just what a mother does, I guess, given the same situation. I don’t want him to live on his own because I fear about his safety. I’m worried that he might stumble upon a group of drug addicts, smokers, heavy drinkers that could influence him badly. I fear that he might forget about his studies and his life will be gone astray.

But he needs it. He has to spread his wings and learn how to be independent. He has to discover reality and know what life really is all about. He needed to leave his comfort zone under the auspices of a family just the same as when I left my mother and father a decade ago.

And so last night, I cried. I cried because I am not ready to let go of my brother. I cried because I’m worried about his security. I cried because I remember my parents in the province and realized how painful it was for them every time one of their kids leaves them. I cried because I know that I will feel the same feeling when time comes that my own children will leave me in the future.

Just another thought

Happiness is like mercury, according to the priest from yesterday's mass i heard. When you directly attempt to get hold of it, it appears elusive. Happiness comes when it is less sought.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Best dad

The best fathers in the world are those who are not just good providers but also those who have positive outlook in life and are courageous. Courageous enough to stand with his family through thick and thin. Courageous enough to resist various temptations life brings throughout his lifetime. Courageous enough to conquer all odds. And so i say, my father is one of the best fathers in the world and i am proud of him =)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The greatest challenge in life

I stumbled upon a piece of writing in a news daily this morning. The author of the article talked about how people dissuade him from marrying that soon because according to them life is difficult. But the author just ignored their advice because for him, life with his love and family-to-be would give more meaning into his life. And his main point was that, life is always seen difficult by most people even if they are well off, far better than others who are just coping and living with whatever measly blessings they have.

Reading the article directed me to reflect and once again, i realized it is really difficult for people to be content with what they are, what they have and what they have become. And so, it just strengthened my argument that the greatest challenge of all time is how to be content in life.


I went to a bookstore few hours ago and saw lots of books of different types and topics. Then a thought came into my mind. I don't know, it's been a while since i stopped writing (parang kinakalawang na ata ang writing skills ko).

Suddenly, my dream of writing a book resurrected. I want to see that book authored by me in the bookstores. Waah.... i hope it will still be realized during my lifetime.