
Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'd like to make myself believe

I'd like to make myself believe
It is ME you are looking for
The one you want to hold and adore
The one you want to share your life with now and forevermore.

I'd like to make myself believe
That it is YOU I'm looking for
The one I wanted to hold and adore
The one I want to share my life with now and forevermore.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the stars will conspire to my dream
A dream of a happy and strong family,
Of a love enduring and real.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the sun will shine on our lives every minute of the day
That you will be the sunshine I have dreamt in my life
The ONE who will lighten even my darkest days.

I'd like to make myself believe
That the moon will smile upon us
Together with Venus and all the shining stars in the sky
To make our nights alive and meaningful.

I'd like to make myself believe
That YOU and I will be together
Not only in my dreams
Not only in the corners of my imagination.

I'd like to make myself believe
That there is a chance for YOU and ME
That a new day is waiting for us to be carefree
That the world will welcome us freely and happily.

I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...
I'd like to make myself believe...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I don't wanna love

I am sad.
I am tired.
I hate this life
This damn life of mine.

Why me?
When there are many.
Why is it always always me?
Your eyes are all pointed to me.

I don't wanna love
If love is seen that way.
I don't want to have a family
If all burden is on to me.

Poor I for I have much love in my heart
I wanna lift the curse but it seems to linger till forever
Signing off is not a prerogative either
Oh my, shall i stay bitter or just wait for this love to wither?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


i found the blog of this certain person and i was amazed on how he expresses himself in paragraphs. the grammar, his writing style, and more importantly the essence of what he writes and his views on things put into one are perfect. nakaka-inlove tuloy =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My take on photography

Other people would define photography as an art. One would say it’s an special skill. Another may look at it as a past time while some would see it as a means to earn a living. What photography is to me is something different.

Photography has opened doors for friendships for me and that’s what makes me hooked on to it. The feeling of being with a family or circle of friends is priceless. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction and security. The concern of new acquaintances and friends makes my days wonderful. So I call photography a social process.

My social network broadened since I joined Nikon Club Philippines and took a photography workshop at FPPF. After I graduated from FPPF, I continuously meet new people. The social networks of my classmates were also opened up for me and I love the feeling.

New experiences keep coming with photowalks, trips and even a simple dinner or chitchat. I meet the family of some of my photography friends and see how warm they are. My recent week-end getaway to Quezon province proves so.

Producing great photos is the aim of every photographer and winning in photo contests too. Yes, it is fulfilling indeed if you got to grab awards and be recognized for the great works you produce. That’s part of this wonderful photography world. But having good friends for keeps is another story and that story is much more interesting =)